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文章出处:人气:-发表时间:2015-07-20 11:05【


森垚仪表拥有自营进出口权,并入股两家温度和压力仪表工厂,直接参与工厂的精益管理和体系建设。我们致力于为国内众多行业提供温度压力仪表定制。产品包括现场指示和控制类仪表,涉及温度,压力,湿度,气压系列。公司具有完善的产品研发生产体系统,质量控制程序和供应链体系,为30多个国家各种不同行业提供着优质的温度计和压力表产品,技术支持以及专业的服务,具体产品超过500多款, 广泛用于工业,农业,科技,医疗,办公,家庭,日用百货,礼品等领域。 

我们的服务从产品研发,配套设计,一直到模具完成,森垚仪表的研发和营销团队,平均行业年龄15年以上,过去二十年的从业经验,累积了丰富的产品知识和行业资源,深谙产品结构原理和客户需求,能够根据客户的实际使用推荐定制相适宜的产品,并给予周到贴心的服务。多年的欧美出口经验,我们对于温度压力仪表都已了然于胸,由于国外对于这类产品的市场细分, 使得我们在不断完善我们产品系列的同时,也对丰富的行业应用领域的要求标准有着更深刻的理解,不管客户有何种需求,我们总能给到你一款物超所值的高匹配度仪表推荐。 

Shanghai Qualitywell is a company with more than 20 years of experience in instrument industry, Over 70% of the staff grew up together from the beginning of this pioneering business. We transferred the trading type just from OEM to customized for different industries just within 2 years. Our many engineers with more than 20 years of experience working  together as a mature production team providing OEM to European leading industries are the key to the success of this rapid transformation. Moreover, our power is based on various products’ series, cooperation with college R&D Team,energetic staff who want to improve themselves.

Making great efforts with customers, witness developments and become customer’s source of profit.

Qualitywell owns self-importation channel and is a shareholder in 2 factories producing temperature and pressure gauges.We straightly attend in lean management and system construction crowned with expertise and achievements .

Our products includes indicating and controlling devices such as temperature, pressure, humidity and air pressure series.We’ve a thorough R&D product system, quality control procedures and the supply chain system that provides high quality temperature thermometers and pressure gauges to different industries in more than 30 countries.

We produce more than 500 products widely applied in industries, agriculture, science and technology, medical, offices, family, daily provisions, gifts, etc.

Our service includes products R&D, design and mould finished. Qualitywell’s R&D team and marketing team’s average industrial age is more than 15 years. In the past 20 years, we've accumulated luxuriant product knowledge and industrial sources, know customer’s requirements, and recommend suitable products to customer.

Many year’s exportation experience has helped us to know the market segmentation,  improved our product series and quality and deeply understand different standards in various application fields.

Whatever the requirements from customers, we’ll always do our best to find a suitable solution for you.


